May I Have Your Attention, Please? The Power of Engaged Audiences

A “yes” answer to the title question is worth lots of money. The tried-and-true formula for content marketing sales seems simple: engage readers (or viewers), gain their trust, and earn their clicks.

But, like writing a “simple” song that becomes a hit, there’s more to the process than most people hear—unless they’ve tried to write a hit song. Then, they discover the work in the art. Don Henley, of Eagles fame, said he wrote dozens of songs to find the 10 – 12 best ones for a full-length album. I’m guessing his experience is typical.

Picture this: you’ve meticulously crafted what you think (or have been told) is compelling landing page content. You’re stocked with top-notch affiliate products. And conversion rates are still dismal.

What’s missing?

Well, could be a lot of things but let’s assume a tipping point where you got everything right except…audience engagement. Engaged audiences aren’t just passive spectators but active participants in your story. They like the brand that is you. That’s the basic fuel (we hope rocket, right?) for driving coveted affiliate purchases.

At the risk of oversimplifying, engaging readers and viewers boils down to one idea: authenticity. People crave authenticity, like flowers crave sunlight. Be genuine, be helpful, and watch your audience grow.

This is especially relevant advice in our new age of AI-generated prose. AI tools can certainly help jumpstart what you want to say. Full disclosure: I use ChatGPT. I’d be foolish not to; it’s a thought organizer on steroids, a terrific time-saver. But so-called generative AI cannot generate my personal experiences and emotions (yet). Hence, there is a thriving market for AI content detectors.

Authenticity is the first step to building trust with your audience. And isn’t trust the currency of any successful relationship — personal or professional? Your audience must trust you implicitly as table stakes for clicking your affiliate link.

So, how do you earn their trust?

Deliver value consistently. Provide your audience with informative content that helps them with a problem they may have or answers a question they didn’t even know to ask. This is where Don Henley’s songwriting method comes into play. Quality comes from quantity. The value you provide increases as you learn more and practice delivering your knowledge in straightforward, concise ways.

Start by writing with a particular reader in mind. It’s great if you can entertain while doing it, but remember that entertainment is the topping, not the ice cream.

Also, be transparent about your affiliations. You can’t be authentic without being honest. After all, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be proud of what you’re selling — just don’t oversell it. No audience is more fickle than an online audience, so handle their trust with care. Connect with them on a deeper level. Engage in meaningful conversations (OK, I’ll start: what’s your biggest challenge right now?). Promptly respond to comments and messages (I will if I get any). Show your audience that you’re not just a faceless entity in the ether—you’re a real person, just like them. (Who else wonders if these blogs are a waste of time?)

Lastly, treat your email list like a garden.

Nurture the subscribers you want with exclusive content, special offers, and insider tips (all free). But weed out the subscribers who have lost interest in what you offer and are no longer responsive. They will choke your open rate and click-through numbers.

Every affiliate marketer discovers that building an engaged audience is not an overnight success story; it’s a journey filled with ups and downs, wins and losses. But forearmed with authenticity, consistency, and perseverance, you can build a loyal audience and turn clicks into cash.